Tips and Tricks
First hand knowledge, regional specialties, gadgets

Eggs – Background Check
Eggs – one of the most important ingredients in our kitchens. A look behind the scene.

Cheese from the Loire
Cheese from the Loire – 5 times goat with AOP. Best with a wonderful Sauvignon from the region. Can’t get any better!

Potatoes Background Check
Potatoes – tubers full of delight – with which you can do everything. Useful Information

Cheese from Normandy
Cheese from Normandy, worldfamous & delightful, from easy to cheesy
Cooking is a craft and craft means tradition, learning, good tools.
Here we collect important, surprising and new things,
the tricks of the professionals, practical information, regional things, new tools
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We learn new things every day.
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Only honest experiences of enthusiasts.